Category Archives: SMS

VCOM Showing “Connected” Then “Disconnected”

Issue: VCOM shows “Connected” then “Disconnected”.

Applies To:

  • MobiGATE Model SG-B-8-L-W
  • SMS Engine version 5 and 6


  • if any modem does not have a SIM card inserted and engine is started, the engine  will try to initalise the modem, VCOM shows “Connected”
  • when the initialisation fails, VCOM shows “Disconnected”
  • refer video clip below, Modem ID 2 (COM port no. 17) has a SIM card inserted with blue LED blinking, but others do not have any SIM cards, only Modem ID 2 stays “Connected”, others will show “Connected” then “Disconnected”



SMS360 — E-Mail Edition Cannot Connect with POP3 Server of GMail

Note: this case remain unsolved as at 2020-03-09

SMS360 E-Mail Edition version 5.4.1(beta)
*** Log dated on 2017-08-10 10:30:06 AM ***
Error Location: EmailtoSMS.CheckEmail()
Error Number: 91
Error Description: Object variable or With block variable not set


Unable to connect to POP3 server of Gmail despite had set to “allow less secure app to access”.

SMS360 Cannot Connect with POP3 Server of GMail-01


All messages in the inbox remain unread. By right, all messages should be read by SMS360.SMS360 Cannot Connect with POP3 Server of GMail-02


Refer to

If you still can’t log into your account through your application after changing the “Allow less secure apps” setting, consider enabling 2-Step Verification and creating an application-specific password. If you cannot access your account using an app password, your application may not meet Google’s new security standards. For example, older versions of Outlook may no longer work with Google’s authentication system. Consider upgrading your application to the latest version and try logging in again.


Conclusion: we need to revise the VB6 code of SMS360 — E-mail Edition.

MOBITEK SMS360 is Now Part of MOBITEK SMS Gateway Development Kit

We are pleased to announced that MOBITEK SMS360 (Basic and E-mail Editions) are now bundled with MOBITEK SMS Gateway Development Kit.

MOBITEK SMS360 — Basic Edition is used for SMS broadcasting.

MOBITEK SMS360 — E-mail Edition is used for sending SMS via e-mail client or to integrate with any system via POP3 interface.

Existing customers whose warranty period still valid could request MOBITEK SMS360 at no extra charge.



MOBITEK MobiGATE as a Back-Up SMS Gateway

Do you face these problems?

Your SMSC is down and messages cannot be send?


Would you like us to solve your problem?

For a bulk SMS provider and SMS aggregator company who cannot afford downtime of SMSC, you can rely on MOBITEK® MobiGATE  which is a physical and private SMS Gateway, to play a critical role as a back-up gateway.


Why you should consider us?


MOBITEK® MobiGATE  has been used by the following bulk SMS providers:-

  1. ICE mobile Sdn. Bhd.
  2. Macro Kiosk Berhad




MOBITEK S80 is 99% Compatible with Sierra Wireless FX100

Sierra Wireless FX100 3G Modem has reached end-of-life production cycle. It may be difficult to obtain a new unit. The good news is that  MOBITEK®  S80 is 99% compatible with Sierra Wireless FX100 3G Modem.

SPECIFICATION MOBITEK-S80_backMOBITEK S80 Sierra Wireless FX100Sierra Wireless FX100
SL8082T Module Yes Yes
GSM (2G) Network Quad Band Yes Yes
GPRS Network Yes Yes
WCDMA (3G) Network Dual Band Yes Yes
Serial Port (RS-232) 15-pin Yes Yes
USB Port Yes Yes
Sierra Wireless USB Driver Yes Yes
Open AT Yes Yes
GPS No Yes
Voice Yes Yes

More Information


How to Insert SIM Card into MOBITKEK MobiGATE

Applies To These Models

  • SG-B-8-L-W
  • SG-B-8-U
  • SG-B-8-L

How to Insert SIM Card-01How to Insert SIM Card-02

Before you insert the SIM card, you must check the position of SIM Card. When insert the SIM Card:-

  1. the “gold area” of the SIM Card should be facing downward;
  2. turn on the switch button, if you can see the blue LED Blinking, this means MobiGATE is connected to the 2G/3G network

MOBITEK MobiGATE is an IP Based SMS Gateway



MOBITEK® MobiGATE model: SG-B-8-L / SG-B-8-L-W / SG-B-4-L / SG-B-4-L-W

All these models have LAN connectivity and are IP based SMS gateway.

MOBITEK® MobiGATE has an IP address, e.g.

Each modem/SIM card has an IP address:port, e.g.

  • modem/SIM card no. 1 <=>
  • modem/SIM card no. 2 <=>
  • modem/SIM card no. 3 <=>
  • modem/SIM card no. 4 <=>
  • modem/SIM card no. 5 <=>
  • modem/SIM card no. 6 <=>
  • modem/SIM card no. 7 <=>
  • modem/SIM card no. 8<=>


System Architecture no. 1

MobiGATE can be scaled up. Multiple units of MobiGATE is connected to 1 server.


System Architecture no. 2

Multiple units of MobiGATES located in various countries (Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia) are centrally controlled by 1 server in Singapore.

MOBITEK MobiGATE is an IP Based SMS Gateway-01


System Architecture no. 3

1 unit of MobiGATE can be shared by multiple servers in local area network.

MOBITEK MobiGATE is an IP Based SMS Gateway-02


More Information