How to Block Spammer or Hacker Who Always Changed the Sender’s E-Mail Address?

Spammer or hacker will always change the e-mail address to avoid being flag as spam based on the sender’s e-mail address.


Solution: block the SMTP domain of spammer or hacker by using “Global Email Filters” tool in cPanel

  1. Goto “Global Email Filters”
  2. Click “Edit” on “Block E-mail Based on Header”
  3. Click on “+” button to add a new entry
  4. Change to “Any Header” and enter the header information that will be blocked by mail server and will be diverted to spam folder
  5. Finally, click “Save” button

The Location of My.Settings Used by VB.Net Application

Determine whether the application saves the user settings on exit.

The SaveMySettingsOnExit property allows the user to change how the application saves settings, at run time. You can explicitly save setting changes by using the Save method of the My.Settings object.

The changes to this property are not persisted when the application closes. To change the SaveMySettingsOnExit property permanently, you must change the setting in the Project Designer:

To change the setting in the Project Designer
1. Have a project selected in Solution Explorer. Click Properties on the Project menu.
2. Click the Application tab.
3. Select Save My.Settings on Shutdown.

There are two types of application settings, based on scope:

  • Application-scoped settings can be used for information such as a URL for a web service or a database connection string. These values are associated with the application. Therefore, users cannot change them at run time.
  • User-scoped settings can be used for information such as persisting the last position of a form or a font preference. Users can change these values at run time.

The path that store My.Settings config file differ depends upon the scope that has selected and the Visual Studio version. For Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.4462 QFE, the config is stored in:



Where Does PHPRunner Store the Database Settings?

PHPRunner version 10.x : ConnectionManager.php


protected function _setConnectionsData()
// content of this function can be modified on demo account
// variable names $data and $connectionsData are important

$connectionsData = array();

$data = array();
$data["dbType"] = 0;
$data["connId"] = "Tables";
$data["connName"] = "crm2017 at";
$data["connStringType"] = "mysql";
$data["connectionString"] = "mysql;;crm;scale-UP;;crm2017;;1"; //currently unused

$this->_connectionsIdByName["crm2017 at"] = "Tables";

$data["connInfo"] = array();
$data["ODBCUID"] = "crm";
$data["ODBCPWD"] = "scale-UP";
$data["leftWrap"] = "`";
$data["rightWrap"] = "`";

$data["DBPath"] = "db"; //currently unused 
$data["useServerMapPath"] = 1; //currently unused

$data["connInfo"][0] = "";
$data["connInfo"][1] = "crm";
$data["connInfo"][2] = "scale-UP";
$data["connInfo"][3] = "";
$data["connInfo"][4] = "crm2017";
$data["connInfo"][5] = ""; //currently unused
$data["connInfo"][6] = "1"; //currently unused
$data["ODBCString"] = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=;Uid=crm;Pwd=scale-UP;Database=crm2017;OPTION=3";
// encription set
$data["EncryptInfo"] = array();
$data["EncryptInfo"]["mode"] = 0;
$data["EncryptInfo"]["alg"] = 128;
$data["EncryptInfo"]["key"] = "";

$connectionsData["Tables"] = $data;
$this->_connectionsData = $connectionsData;


Summary Table — MOBITEK Modem in Linux Mint in VM and Linux Mint as Host OS

MODEM Linux Mint in VM Linux Mint in Dell-D630
MOBITEK S80 MOBITEK S80 does not work (no response in CuteCom) in VM-Linux Mint MOBITEK S80 can work in Linux Mint using USB. There are 4 COM ports created in Linux (ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, ttyUSB2, ttyUSB3), only “ttyUSB3” is used for the AT command.
MOBITEK Q24 MOBITEK Q24 is working (can send and read SMS) in VM-Linux Mint MOBITEK Q24 also can work in Linux using “ttyUSB0”


How to Assign a short-cut key (hotkey) for a LibreOffice Macro

  1. Open LibreOffice that containing the macro
  2. Click “Tools” -> “Customize…
  3. In Customize, Click “Keyboard” tab and scroll down the “Category” section until you find “LibreOffice Macros“. Select the macro.
  4. Select the function that you want to assign the shortcut key in “Function” section and find the available keys in “Shortcut Keys” area. Select the key and click “Modify” button. Click “OK

Renaming “Sierra Wireless” in COM Ports

Objective: to use AT command to rename “Sierra Wireless” to “MOBITEK” so that all the 4 COM ports will display “MOBITEK”


Result: after using the “AT+WUSB” to change name to “MOBITEK”, the 4 COM ports in device manager still show  as “Sierra Wireless” .


In addition, there is no AT command to remove the other 3 COM ports, “CNS”, ‘DM” & “NMEA”

How To Solve Modem Cannot be Connected or Unresponsive in CuteCom Linux

Applies To: MOBITEK S80 Modem, MOBITEK Q24 Modem, Linux OS


Caused By: permission or privilege to use serial port or USB port is NOT assigned to current user.


Solution: grant permission to current user by adding  “tty”, “dialout” into “Groups” of the current user.

  1. Optional — install “Cutecom” from Software Manager.

    Linux_USB-01Click on “install”
  2.  Go to “User and Groups”.
  3.  Click on the current user and then click on “Groups”.
  4.  Assign the following “Groups” or permissions to the user:-
    • dialout
    • root
    • sudo
    • tty
  5. Alternatively, command line can be used to add permission to the user:-
  6.  Restart Linux.

Theme of MOBITEK Blog Has Been Changed from “Twenty Eleven” to “Twenty Tweleve” and How to Add a Search Box

Original “Twenty Tweleve” theme does not have a search box at top right corner (same row with header).

Here are the steps taken to add a search box:

  1. add a folder for child theme in same directory of parent theme, e.g. “/wp-content/themes”
  2. name the folder as “twentytwelve-child-theme”
  3. refer to on how to create a child theme
    • all modifications are done on child theme rather on parent theme
    • child theme copies/inherits all properties from parent theme
    • copy “header.php” from parent theme, “twentytwelve” to child theme folder, “twentytwelve-child-theme”
    • modify the “header.php” in “twentytwelve-child-theme”
    • modify the “style.css” in “twentytwelve-child-theme”
  4. in the “Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes”, choose the newly created child theme:
    • finally, a search box has been added:

