SMS Alert can be triggered after the server is booted with the help of script. Script contain a list of instruction for a computer. By taking advantages of this we create a script which will send SMS to designed number. This Script contain a command on sending specific message to receiver via CLISMS application and it is set to run right after the server is successfully booted.
Category Archives: SMS Modem
Can MOBITEK Q24 SMS MODEM Work with Our External Antenna?
MOBITEK SMS Gateway Development Kit CD for MOBITEK Q24 (USB) is Revised
- MOBITEK Q24-USB SGDK-29 (CDB4.4)_2014-09-24.dxp
- MOBITEK Q24-USB SGDK-29_2014-09-24.iso
For more information about:
Why MOBITEK Does Not Sell The Licence of STK API
Question :
Do you sell SMS Gateway Development Kit separately from the GSM modem?
Can I buy the SMS Gateway Development Kit without the GSM modem?
Do you well STK API separately from STK modem?
Can I buy STK API withouth the STK modem?
MOBITEK SMS Gateway Development Kit CD for MOBITEK Q24 (serial) is Revised
- MOBITEK Q24-Serial SGDK-29 (CDB4.4)_2014-09-12.dxp
- MOBITEK Q24-SERIAL SGDK-29_2014-09-12.iso
MOBITEK SMS Gateway Development Kit CD for Sierra Wireless is Revised
- Sierra Wireless SGDK-29 (CDB4.4).dxp
- Sierra Wireless SGDK-29_2014-09-04.iso
Can MOBITEK SMS API Modify the USSD Menu?
No, because in order to do so, you need to access to the USSD server which is owned by TELCO. TELCO does not allow any 3rd party to modify the USSD menu.
(source: Sales FAQ no. 248)
MOBITEK SMS API version 9 (beta)
New function in Modem class:-
- Modem.GetMSISDN()
To get the Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number (MSISDN). MSISDN is the telephone number of the SIM card in a mobile/cellular phone. MSISDN is stored in the SIM card. Some SIM card does not store it, and therefore will return empty string.
- Modem.GetIMSI()
To get the International Mobile Subscriber Identify. IMSI is stored in the SIM card. IMSI is used for identifying the user of a cellular network and it is a unique number.
New function in USSD class:-
- USSD.USSDListen()
This function call will listen for USSD prompt from the network operator and capture it. While listening, no other funtions are allowed to be called, it will stop upon time-out (default is 3 seconds). If USSDListen() is not called, any USSD prompt is sent by network operator, then it will not be captured. If USSDListen() is called after USSD prompt is sent by network operator, then it will not be captured.
For more information, please refer to the manual for software developer …
Release History of MOBITEK SMS Gateway Development Kit
Release Number: 29
Release Date: 10-Oct-2013
Description: MOITEK SMS API version 7.3 is finalised. No more new functions will be added.
Release Number: 28
Release Date: 1-Oct-2013
Description: MOITEK SMS API version 9 (beta) is added
Release Number: 27
Release Date: 1-Feb-2013
Description: Sample code in Java for SMS API version 7 is added
MOBITEK SMS Engine (Enterprise Edition) CD is Revised
File: SMS Engine Enterprise Edition version 5.8.1_2014-08-19.iso