Category Archives: MobiGATE


VCOM Cannot Be Used to Change IP Address of MobiGATE


  • VCOM Cannot Be Used to Change IP Address of MobiGATE. 
  • The “Configure” button in VCOM is NOT able to change the IP address.
Select the MobiGATE then click on the “Configure” in VCOM.
Enter the new IP address for the MobiGATE
new IP address and Submask Address been entered
When OK is clicked, no response except .ion
Did the IP address changed? No, IP address remains at
What happens if I fill all the fields provided? — NOTHING
After OK is pressed -NOTHING HAPPENS




How to Solve SMS Engine Fails to Initialize Despite Hyper Terminal Can Communicate with MobiGATE

Applies to:

  • All SDK (SMS API, STK API, etc.)
  • all versions of SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition

Cause: “MSComm32.ocx” did not install properly or the date of the file is incorrect. This occur when MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition has been reinstalled a few times on the same Windows machine.


  1. Uninstall MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition.
  2. Unregister “MSComm32.ocx”:
    1. for Windows 64-bit, run “cmd” or “Command Prompt” as “administrator”, then type
      1. “cd %systemroot%\SysWoW64\
      2. regsvr32.exe /u mscomm32.ocx
    2. for Windows 32-bit, goto Start → Run → type “regsvr32 /u mscomm32.ocx”
  3. Delete “MSComm32.ocx”.
  4. Re-install SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition.


  1. Unregister the “MSComm32.ocx” and delete it
    1. for Windows 64-bit, run “cmd” or “Command Prompt” as “administrator”, then type:
      1. cd %systemroot%\SysWoW64\
      2. regsvr32 /u mscomm32.ocx
    2. for Windows 32-bit, goto Start Run  type “regsvr32 /u mscomm32.ocx
  2. Copy the new “MSComm32.ocx” and manually register it:
    1. for Windows 64-bit, run “cmd” or “Command Prompt” as “administrator”, then type:
      1. “cd %systemroot%\SysWoW64\
      2. regsvr32 mscomm32.ocx
    2. for Windows 32-bit, goto Start Run type “regsvr32 mscomm32.ocx



How to Solve “Cannot open database (MS SQL Server) requested by login. The login failed”

Applies to:

  • MOBITEK SMS Engine version 5, 6, 7
  • SQL Server 2016 SP1 Express
  • Windows Server 2012 R2

Error Message: [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database “smseee6” requested by the login. The login failed.


  1. Add “db_owner” to the user;
  2. If problem remains unsolved, then enable “TCP/IP” in SQL Server Configuration Manager.

How to Add “db_owner”

  1. select the user -> Properties
  2. goto “User Mapping”, select the database (smseee6) then check “db_owner”


How to Enable “TCP/IP”

  1. Launch the SQL Server Configuration Manager. It should be in the Start -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server -> Configuration Tools, select “Protocols for SQLEXPRESS” and enabled “TCP/IP”.
  2. In “TCP/IP -> Properties”.
  3. In “TCP port”, ensure it is the correct port number 1433.
  4. Restart the servce.


MobiGATE: Monitor Your SMS Gateway (Modems) on Your Desktop

MOBITEK MobiGATE is a SMS Gateway (also refer as a modem pool or SMS channel) used for SMS broadcast. It supports 8 modems (SIM cards) and more.

Problem arises when there are too many modems to monitor and no centralised tool to assist.

The solution is a tool called “Control Panel”.

“Green” when modem is running; “Orange” when modem is disabled

"Red" when modem is stopped or disconnected

We are pleased to announce version 3.3 of Control Panel has been released.


Features of Control Panel

  • GUI tool to edit the “config.xml”  (configuration file for MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition). Previously, notepad is being used to edit the configuration file;
  • supports SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 6 and 7 (version 5 is NOT supported);
  • to start and stop the service of SMS Engine;
  • to monitor up to 16 modems or more;
  • to view log file without the need of opening notepad


More Information

Edit “config.xml” File Using Control Panel for SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition

Control Panel for SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition

We are pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.1 of Control Panel for SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition.

MOBITEK® SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition

The SMS Engine used by MOBITEK MobiGATE model SG-B series.




  1. A GUI tool to edit the “config.xml”  (configuration file for MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition). Previously, notepad is being used to edit the configuration file.
  2. To monitor the status of each modem.


User’s Guide

Please refer to



Existing customer Please download the installer from

How to Solve the Problem of VCOM is Connected But SMS Engine Fails to Initialized

Applies To

  • MOBITEK MobiGATE Model SG-B series
  • MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 5, 6 and 7



  1. Despite blue LED of MobiGATE is blinking (connected to mobile network), the log file of SMS Engine shows “Modem ID 1 : failed to initialize” or Modem ID 1 has no response in the hyper terminal; and
  2. VCOM shows NET Status is “Connected” and COM Status is “Open”.



  1. Reset all ports; or/and
  2. Configure the baud rate of all modems in MobiGATE to “115200”.


Reset all ports

  1. Open web browser, key in the IP address of MobiGATE.
  2. Goto “Reset Ports”.
  3. Click “All” then “Submit”
  4. Goto “Save Config” then click “Save”


Configure the baud rate of all modems in MobiGATE to “115200”

  1. Open web browser, key in the IP address of MobiGATE.
  2. Goto left side of navigation bar, select “Async”, to display “Port1”, “Port2”, … “Port8”.
  3. Goto “Port1”, set the “baudrate” to “115200”, check the box “Apply to all” and “Submit”. This will make all ports (modems) to have the same baud rate at “115200”.
  4. Next goto “Save Config” then click “Save” button.

MOBITEK MobiGATE is a SMS Gateway Having 8 Ports Modem Pool



MOBITEK® MobiGATETM is a SMS gateway having 8 ports modem and has these additional features and benefits:-

  1. allows your system (ERP, CRM, SCM) and software application (mobile commerce, e-commerce) to send and receive SMS;
  2. most reliable SMS gateway that is widely used in Malaysia, Philippines and Nigeria;
  3. reputable SMS gateway that is featured in Matrade’s Magazine “What’s New from Malaysia”.
  4. cost effective: there is no monthly charge
  5. broadcasting: all channels simultaneously sending out SMS;
  6. routing: use the lowest SMS rate to send out SMS;
  7. load balancing: speed-up the broadcast as work load is shared by all channels;
  8. fail-over: when 1st channel fails, 2nd channel will be used to send out SMS; reduce broadcast failure;
  9. data security: all messages and mobile numbers are stored in your local database and not with any 3rd party SMS gateway service provider;
  10. scalable: increase the units of MobiGATETM  without changing a single line of code.