Author Archives: Administrator

Path/File Access Error


When running sample code of Java for MOBITEK®  Q24 STK API, you may encounter an error message:-

Exception in thread “main” Invoke of: Init Source: MobitekSTK6 Description: Path/File access error

Applies To

  • MOBITEK®  Q24 STK API version 6.x
  • Windows 7 and above; 32 bit and 64 bit
  • JACOB version 1.14.3
  • JRE 1.6 and above


Run Eclipse as an administrator.

How Do You Locate a SIM Card in MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem Hub?

Multiple SIM Cards

Multiple SIM Cards

When you have a lot of SIM cards in different units of MOBITEK®  Q24 STK Modem Hub

MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem Hub_STKMH-US401-C_Front_2560 x 1920MOBITEK® Q24 STK Modem Hub

you will need to locate a particular SIM card after you have swap A card into different SIM slot MOBITEK®  Q24 STK Modem Hub.

MOBITEK®  Q24 STK API has a function that is able to locate the SIM card. By using Modem.GetIMSI()

What is IMSI?

International Mobile Subscriber Identity, it is a unique 15 digits of the SIM card. If you change SIM card to another slot, you can query the IMSI to find out where is the SIM card located. Refer to

More Information


How to Solve “System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled”


When running sample code of, you may encounter an error message “System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled”

Applies To

  • Windows 7 and above; 32 bit and 64 bit
  • MOBITEK SMS API version 7 and above
  • MOBITEK STK API version 6 and above



<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>


<requestedExecutionLevel  level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

Follow these steps:-

For Visual Studio 2015, goto "View Windows Settings"

For Visual Studio 2015, goto “View Windows Settings”

For Visual Studio 2008, goto "View UAC Settings"

For Visual Studio 2008, goto “View UAC Settings”

Replace <requestedExecutionLevel>

Replace level= “asInvoker” uiAccess= “false” with level= “requireAdministrator” uiAccess= “false”






Java Sample Code for MOBITEK STK API version 6.2 — InputRequest() and InputSubmit()


STK refers to SIM Tookit.

SAT refers to SIM Application Toolkit

Both terms are interchangeable.

Java Sample Code

//To display a request from STK menu for an input
vMOBITEK = STKAPI.invoke("InputRequest");
sMOBITEK = vMOBITEK.getString();
System.out.println ("STK Menu has requested for an input: " + sMOBITEK + ".");
//To submit an input to STK Menu
strInput = "OK"
vMOBITEK = STKAPI.invoke("InputSubmit",strInput);
bMOBITEK = vMOBITEK.getBoolean();

More Information

Bug in MOBITEK STK API version 6.2.1

Bug Found In

  • MobitekSTK6.dll version 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2.1
  • MobitekSTK6.dll — ReadSMSText() always return “False” after calling SendSMS().

Test Procedure

  1. Send 10 messages from cellphone to the MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem.
  2. Call the function ReadSMSText() four times, it display the 4 messages.
  3. Then send 1 message from MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem to cellphone.
  4. Cellphone will receive the message.
  5. Call the function ReadSMSText(), return value is always “False” even though there are remaining 6 messages in SIM card.

Suggested Solution

  1. Use ReadSMS() instead; or
  2. Bug has been fixed in MOBITEK STK API verion 6.3


  1. Bug has been fixed in MOBITEK STK API verion 6.3

ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Applies To:-

  • MOBITEK® SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 5 and 6
  • Windows 7, 8 and 2012; 64 bit

Error Message: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Solution: Do no use MySQL ODBC Driver 64 bit; must use 32 bit that is included in the CD, “mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5-win32.msi”.