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Manual for MOBITEK SMS Engine Enterprise Edition version 6, Edition no. 2 is Released

2nd 13th of November, 2015
  • Added “Ms. Nur Shafiqah binti Muhamad Baharum, UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA”

New Product: MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway


MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway

What is MOBITEK C60T M2M Wireless Gateway?

It is a 3G, Wi-Fi and router device that allows your remote machines and terminals to be connected to the internet via 3G network.

How can MOBITEK C60T be used?

With MOBITEK C60T, you can use your PC in office to access these machines at remote sites:-

  1. Kiosk
  2. Vending Machine
  3. CCTV
  4. ATM
  5. Control Panel
  6. Utility Metering
  7. SCADA


  • Model: C60T
  • Connectivity Between C60T and devices:-
    • RJ45
    • IEEE 802.11b/g, Wi-Fi compliant
  • Connectivity Between C60T and Internet:-
    • UMTS 2100/1900/900/850
    • GPRS/GSM 1900/1800/900/850 MHz

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MOBITEK MobiGATE is an IP Based SMS Gateway

MOBITEK MobiGATE -- SMS Gateway for Enterprise

MOBITEK MobiGATE — SMS Gateway for Enterprise

MOBITEK® MobiGATE model: SG-4-E is an IP based SMS gateway.

MOBITEK® MobiGATE has an IP address, e.g.

Each GSM channel/SIM card has an IP port, e.g.

  • SIM card no. 1 <=>
  • SIM card no. 2 <=>
  • SIM card no. 3 <=>
  • SIM card no. 4 <=>

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EXCO Members’ Directory for Visiting Delegates

To: EXCO Members of Youth Committee
From: K.L. Ng

Re: Exco’s Directory for Visiting Delegates

I have attended 2 networking/reception functions:-
2) CMA of Hong Kong

Here is my feedback:-
– CMA of HK had given us delegates booklet, it will be good if we can give them a EXCO’s or Youth Committee Directory.

– they can get to know us better and can have something to take back with them.
– with directory they can know our business and explore business opportunities

Cost of Directory:-
– cheapest solution = use A4 paper and colour printer to print the directory
– professional solution = print in booklet

How to Create Directory Using Cheapest Solution:-
– extract from KLSCCCI Membership Directory
– put in MS Word table format

The directory can also be given to MBA students from Philippines during their visit on 30/Oct.

What is the Maximum Number of USB Ports in Windows?

The maximum number of USB ports can be created in Windows is 256 ports (in theory).

But reality is 127 ports, so about 31 units of MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem Hubs. So 124 SIM cards per server.

But 1 server has maximum of built-in 6 USB ports, so 6 Hubs x 4 = 24 SIM cards per server.

We suggest that you use MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem Hub, model: STKMH-EP432-C which is based on LAN connectivity to overcome USB port restriction on a server.

M-Pesa SIM Card — Input Value in UCS2 Format



There are new batch of M-Pesa SIM Card with STK (SIM Tool Kit) that requires you to input value in UCS2 format instead of text format.

In order to submit or input value in UCS2 using MOBITEK®  Q24 STK API , you need convert the text into USC2 (hexadecimal) format, e.g.

Michael => 004d00690063006800610065006c


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Java Sample Code for MOBITEK STK API version 6.3 — Send and Read SMS


STK refers to SIM Tookit or SIM Tool Kit.

SAT refers to SIM Application Toolkit

Both terms are interchangeable.

Java Sample Code

Declaring variables

 static Variant vMOBITEK;
 static boolean bMOBITEK;
 static int iMOBITEK;
 static String sMOBITEK;

//construct objects for each class in "MobitekSTK6.dll"

static ActiveXComponent Modem = new ActiveXComponent ("MobitekSTK6.Modem");
static ActiveXComponent STKAPI = new ActiveXComponent ("MobitekSTK6.SIMToolKit");
static ActiveXComponent SMS = new ActiveXComponent ("MobitekSTK6.SMS");

To send SMS in java

public static void sendMessage()
 //SV: to send SMS; maximum 160 characters 

 //########### turn delivery status report on #######################
 //call API to turn delivery status report on
 vMOBITEK = SMS.invoke("DeliveryReportOn");
 //the return value of "DeliveryReportOn" is a boolean
 bMOBITEK = vMOBITEK.getBoolean();
 //AQ : therefore assign bMOBITEK as return value of "DeliveryReportOn" 
 if (bMOBITEK)
 System.out.println("Delivery status report is turned on.");
 System.out.println("Delivery status report is NOT turned on!");
 //########### end: turn delivery status report on #######################
 //------------------ send SMS ----------------------------------------
 //set value of property;
 //"ToNumber" is the recipient's number;
 SMS.setProperty("ToNumber", "0176096718");
 //"ToMessage" is the SMS to be send to the recipient; maximum 160 characters
 SMS.setProperty("ToMessage", "Hello from JAVA with SMS API version 7. Test no. 6");
 //AQ : call API to send new message
 vMOBITEK = SMS.invoke("SendSMS");
 //AQ : the return value of "SendSMS" is a boolean
 bMOBITEK = vMOBITEK.getBoolean();
 //AQ : therefore assign bMOBITEK as return value of "SendSMS" 
 if (bMOBITEK)
 System.out.println("Message sent!");
 //try 3 times
 for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) 
 try {
 //AQ : call API to get delivery report
 vMOBITEK = SMS.invoke("GetDeliveryReport");
 //AQ : the return value of "GetDeliveryReport" is a boolean
 //AQ : therefore assign bMOBITEK as return value of "GetDeliveryReport"
 bMOBITEK = vMOBITEK.getBoolean();
 if (bMOBITEK)
 //when "GetDelIveryStatusReport = True", then get value of properties
 int DRStatus = SMS.getPropertyAsInt("DRStatus"); 
 String DRMNRecipient = SMS.getPropertyAsString("DRMNRecipient");
 String DRMsgRef = SMS.getPropertyAsString("DRMsgRef");
 String DRFDate = SMS.getPropertyAsString("DRFDate");
 String DRFTime = SMS.getPropertyAsString("DRFTime");
 String DRRDate = SMS.getPropertyAsString("DRRDate");
 String DRRTime = SMS.getPropertyAsString("DRRTime");
 if (DRStatus == 1)
 //System.out.println("The status of your outgoing SMS with reference number, " + DRMsgRef + ", is " + DRStatus + ".");
 System.out.println("The status of your outgoing SMS with reference number, " + DRMsgRef + ", is delivered.");
 System.out.println("Your outgoing SMS was received by the SMS Centre on " + DRRDate + ", at " + DRRTime + ", and was successfully delivered to " + DRMNRecipient + ", on " + DRFDate + ", at " + DRFTime + ".");
 if (DRStatus == 0)
 //System.out.println("The status of your outgoing SMS with reference number, " + DRMsgRef + ", is " + DRStatus + ".");
 System.out.println("The status of your outgoing SMS with reference number, " + DRMsgRef + ", is not delivered.");
 System.out.println("Your outgoing SMS was received by the SMS Centre on " + DRRDate + ", at " + DRRTime + ", and was NOT successfully delivered to " + DRMNRecipient + "."); 
 if (DRStatus == 2)
 //System.out.println("The status of your outgoing SMS with reference number, " + DRMsgRef + ", is " + DRStatus + ".");
 System.out.println("The status of your outgoing SMS with reference number, " + DRMsgRef + ", is unknown.");
 System.out.println("Your outgoing SMS was received by the SMS Centre on " + DRRDate + ", at " + DRRTime + ", and NO status is available.");
 System.out.println("No delivery status report available!"); 
 //SV: wait for 5 seconds before looping; delivery report from GSM network takes time
 catch (InterruptedException e)
 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
 System.out.println("Message NOT sent!");
 //------------------ end: send SMS ----------------------------------------

To Read SMS in java

public static void readMessage() {
 //AQ : readMessage() function is for modem to read incoming message from the sender 
 //------------------------------------------- read SMS -------------------------------------------
 //call API to read incoming SMS 
 vMOBITEK = SMS.invoke("ReadSMS");
 //AQ : the return value of "ReadSMS" is a boolean, therefore assign bMOBITEK as return value of "ReadSMS"
 bMOBITEK = vMOBITEK.getBoolean();
 //if there is new SMS, then get property
 if (bMOBITEK)
 //property "MN" is the sender's mobile number 
 String InNumber = SMS.getPropertyAsString("MN");
 //property "MSG" is the sender's message
 String InMessage = SMS.getPropertyAsString("MSG");
 //property "SCTS" time of the message received by SMS Centre
 String InTime = SMS.getPropertyAsString("SCTS");
 System.out.println("Incoming SMS Read \n From: " + InNumber + "\n Message: "+ InMessage + "\n Time: " + InTime );
 System.out.println("No incoming SMS!");
 //---------------------------------------- end: read SMS ----------------------------------------- 

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