How to Send SMS Using Command Line (CLISMS version 6)

Install CLISMS version 6

  1. Install Setup.exe
    CISMS v6 wil be installed in C:/Program Files/Mobitek/CLISMS
  2. Open the Device Manager and look into the Ports to find the modem is connected in which port on “Sierra Wireless AT Command Port (UMTS)”. CLISMS6-03


How to Use CLISMS by Using “bat” File

  1. Open Right click on sms.bat. Then choose Edit.CLISMS6-04
  2. Then the notepad will display like this. Change the port, phone number and message with necessary. Save it.CLISMS6-05
  3. Go back to your path file C:/Program Files/Mobitek/CLISMS. Double click at sms.batCLISMS6-06
  4. Then it will apear on command line form. This will automatically closed once the transaction of sending SMS is done.CLISMS6-07
  5. You can see the log file is generated on your path C:/Program Files/Mobitek/CLISMS.CLISMS6-08
  6. You may click on the log to see the transaction. Now you can see the record is there. CLISMS6-09


How to Use CLISMS in Command Line

  1. To sent out sms :-
    clisms.exe /port=2 /to=0162211600 /msg=Alert [press “Enter”]
    echo “sent” [press “Enter”]

More Information

Refer to the manual