Category Archives: Support

Renaming Column Name will Affect PHPRunner

If column name is renamed via PHPMyAdmin or PHPRunner, the records will be missing from the list page (tellow table) despite there are 3528 records:-


The following solutions DOES NOT work:-

  1. Remove all fields in stock card’s list page and add them all again.
  2. Delete current list page and add a new list page.
  3. Remove the table and add it again.


The only solution is to re-build the PHP project from scratch.

The possible root cause is the PHP project was built using old version (e.g. version 10.3) or trial version of PHPRunner. Then column name is renamed in the new version of PHPRunner, e.g. version 10.4.

How to Remove Space using SQL Statement

Problem: there are leading space and trailing space in the records.

  • leading space
  • trailing space


Solution: to remove leading space, e.g. ” EKONOR-25M”, use

UPDATE `Stock_Card-20220218` SET `Item_ID`=TRIM(`Item_ID`) WHERE `Item_ID` LIKE '% ';


Solution: to remove trailing space, e.g. “EKONOR-25M “, SQL statement (“Trim”, “Rtrim”, “Replace”) CANNOT be used. The only way is to delete it manually.

How To Insert SIM Card into the Modem

Please use your fingernail to push the SIM card in until it is fully inserted and to eject the SIM card out.

How to Upgrade or Downgrade the Firmware of MOBITEK Q25 4G Modem


  1. Run “QFlash v5.1”.
  2. Select the COM port number of “Quectel USB DM Port” (must use the USB port because serial port does not have “Quectel USB DM Port”).

  3. Set Baud Rate to 460800.
  4. Load Firmware Files.

  5. Upgrade firmware.

  6. Unplug the USB cable and plug it back. Use “AT+CMGR” or “ATI” to check the firmware version.


Download QFlash version 5.1


QFlash version 5.1 User’s Guide

Loader Loading...
EAD Logo Taking too long?

Reload Reload document
| Open Open in new tab

How to Schedule Win 10 PC to Sleep and Wake-Up


  1. “psshutdown.exe” and “wosb.exe” are working — can sleep,  wake up and stay awake. For each setting refer to:-
    • psshutdown.exe Setting in Task Scheduler
    • wosb.exe Setting
  2. “Put PC to Sleep” (rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0)  and “wosb.exe”  are NOT working — it can sleep but cannot wake-up.
  3. “psshutdown.exe” and “Wake-Up from Sleep” (Windows Task Scheduler) are NOT working — it can sleep, wake-up but after 5 minutes will return to sleep, it cannot stay awake.
  4. Method mentioned in  (rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0)  is not working in Windows 10 PC to sleep. Once it is slept, it cannot be woke-up.
  5. Method mentioned in is not able to wake-up Windows 10 PC.


psshutdown.exe Setting in Task Scheduler

Download the “Sleep using psshutdown.exe” task here …


The argument is –d -t 0 -accepteula


wosb.exe Setting

Download the  wosb.exe setting here ….   

Place “wosb.exe” in “C:\Users\mobitek1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup” so that the program can autorun whenever the PC is rebooted.


Test Result

DATE DID HPC-8300 SLEEP AT 10 PM using psshutdown.exe? (Y/N) DID HPC-8300 WAKE UP AT 8:30 AM using wosb.exe? (Y/N)
Example of Task Scheduler successfully put PC to sleep.

Example of wosb.exe successfully wake up PC.

9-Dec Y


10-Dec Y


13-Dec Y


14-Dec Y


15-Dec Y


16-Dec Y


17-Dec Y



How to Filter Event Viewer and Save it as a Custom View

Create 2 custom views for “Kernel Power” and “Power-Troubleshooter”.

  1. Select “Filter Current Log …”.
  2. Select “Kernel-Power”
  3. Select “Save Filter to Custom View …”
  4. Save the custom view as “Kernel-Power”
  5. Repeat it for “Power-Troubleshooter”

Control Panel for SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 3.1 has been Released

List of  Fixes in Version 3.1

  • Fix bug “Conversion from string “” to type ‘Double’ is not valid” when “Start Monitoring” is clicked;
  • Remove any unused subroutines, functions, variables, code comments;
  • Rename “ModemState.vb” to “MonitorModem.vb”;
  • Combine “MonitorModem.CheckModemStatusVersion2_MSSQL()” and “MonitorModem.CheckModemStatusVersion2()” into one subroutine;
  • Rename “RelabelModemStatusVersion2()” to “MonitorModem.UpdateStatus()”;
  • Rename “RestoreBackColorVersion2()” to “MonitorModem.RestoreStatus()”;
  • Disable “Open Configuration File” and “Reset Configuration File” button when engine is running;
  • Condensing “If…Else” with “For…next” inside ModemState.CheckModemStatusForVersion2()” and “ModemState.CheckModemStatusVersion2_MSSQL()” subroutines.



Existing customers of MobiGATE with valid warranty period or with valid annual support programme could download version 3.17 from here …

If you wish to subscribe to annual support programme for your MobiGATE, please contact us.


More Information

Chilkat Mail ActiveX version 9.4 Does Not Support GMail and Yahoo Mail Server


  1. Chilkat Mail ActiveX version 9.4 does not support GMail and Yahoo Mail with or without SSL connection.
  2. Chilkat Mail ActiveX version 9.4 supports mail server of with or without SSL connection.



Can MOBITEK SMS360 connect to GMail mail server via POP3 with SSL? GOOGLE SETTINGS


SMS360 Setting

No e-mail was converted to SMS.

Can MOBITEK SMS360 connect to GMail mail server via POP3 without SSL? GOOGLE SETTINGS


SMS360 Setting

No e-mail was converted to SMS.

Can MOBITEK SMS360 connect to Yahoo mail server via POP3 with SSL? SMS360 Setting

No e-mail was converted to SMS.

Can MOBITEK SMS360 connect to Yahoo mail server via POP3 without SSL? SMS360 Setting

No e-mail was converted to SMS.

Can MOBITEK SMS360 connect to mail server via POP3 with SSL? SMS360 Setting

E-mail was converted to SMS.

Can MOBITEK SMS360 connect to mail server via POP3 without SSL? SMS360 Setting

E-mail was converted to SMS.


Please provide these information:-

  1. What is the version of Chilkat API used? Give s.c.