Category Archives: SMS

MOBITEK MobiGATE is a SMS Gateway Having 8 Ports Modem Pool



MOBITEK® MobiGATETM is a SMS gateway having 8 ports modem and has these additional features and benefits:-

  1. allows your system (ERP, CRM, SCM) and software application (mobile commerce, e-commerce) to send and receive SMS;
  2. most reliable SMS gateway that is widely used in Malaysia, Philippines and Nigeria;
  3. reputable SMS gateway that is featured in Matrade’s Magazine “What’s New from Malaysia”.
  4. cost effective: there is no monthly charge
  5. broadcasting: all channels simultaneously sending out SMS;
  6. routing: use the lowest SMS rate to send out SMS;
  7. load balancing: speed-up the broadcast as work load is shared by all channels;
  8. fail-over: when 1st channel fails, 2nd channel will be used to send out SMS; reduce broadcast failure;
  9. data security: all messages and mobile numbers are stored in your local database and not with any 3rd party SMS gateway service provider;
  10. scalable: increase the units of MobiGATETM  without changing a single line of code.



How to Solve “Unable to update record with this report”

Applies to: SMS360 – Basic Edition

We like to provide 3 suggested solutions to this error message

GetDeliveryStatusReport Modem ID: 1, Unable to update record with this report

Suggested Solution no.1 — Uncheck Delivery Status Report

Uncheck it, the Engine will not check for any delivery report.

Suggested Solution no. 2 — Delete All records in Outbox table

Warning: please back-up your database before you delete all records. This should be done by your software developer (John or Jen).

  1. Backup database file (.mdb)
    Copy “SMSEngine5.mdb” and save as “SMSEngine5_01.mdb” in your PC.
  2. Click View and select “SQL View”
    Insert query and click “Run”.
  3. Click yes to delete all the records.

    • After you remove records using a delete query, you cannot undo the operation. If you want to know which records were deleted, first examine the results of a select query that uses the same criteria, and then run the delete query.
    • Maintain backup copies of your data at all times. If you delete the wrong records, you can retrieve them from your backup copies.
  4. All records will be deleted.

Suggested Solution no. 3 — Re-install

Warning: please back-up your database before you re-install. This should be done by your software developer (John or Jen).

  1. Backup database file (.mdb)
    Copy “SMSEngine5.mdb” and save as “SMSEngine5_01.mdb” in your PC.
  2. Uninstall and reinstall SMS Engine Basic Edition.
  3. Database will clear and new records starts with no.1.

SMS Content Has Strange Alphabets and Numbers

Product: MOBITEK S80 Type S Expiry Date of Warranty and Support  2017-12-20
Which Development Kit are you using? What is the Operating System?
Which programming language are you using? SIM Card Used:
Description of Problem: I receive SMS with number and alphabet (unknown content) quite constantly. One of the SMS I receive as below,


could you assist.

Trouble Shooting:
Suggested Solution:

How to Send and Read SMS Using MOBITEK S80 Modem with SMS Express in AirCard Watcher

Note: SMS Express is compatible with Type S only; Type S-L is not compatible.

  1. To send message Click on the message icon
  2. This tab will appear and you need to click the “New”
  3. Once you click new, this tab will appear you can key in the number and message.
  4. Then click send
  5. The sent message will be stored in the Sent Items
  6. To read message click on the inbox, it will show all the read and unread messages.
  7. The  message you selected will be displayed here.

How to Integrate MOBITEK S80 SMS Modem with Network Monitoring System

Here are 3 ways that your network monitoring software can send out SMS via our MOBITEK® S80 SMS Mode:-

  3. MOBITEK® SMS Engine — Basic Edition

How to Solve VCOM “Progressing” Problem

Applies to: MOBITEK MobiGATE SMS Gateway model SG-B series and MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem Hub.

Problem: VCOM shows “Progressing” (pic) for more than 30 minutes after click on “add” button.

Solution: uninstall “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter”

Refer pictures below on how to uninstall “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter”.

  1. Right click on “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter”, then click uninstall
  2. Click OK

Note: after it is uninstalled, and VCOM is working, “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter” can be re-installed.

Refer pictures below on how to re-install “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter”.

  1. Run VirtualBox Installer as shown as “VirtualBox-5.1.28-117968-Win.exe”
  2. Click Run
  3. Click Next,
  4. Click Repair,
  5. Click Repair.
  6. After the installation finished, the “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter” will be appeared in Device Manager

Speed of Sending SMS Using MOBITEK MobiGATE


  • MOBITEK MobiGATE Model SG-B-8-L,  SG-B-8-L-W,
  • Maxis SIM Card;
  • MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition

the average sending speed is 10 SMS per minute per modem. Therefore for MobiGATE with 8 modems, it can send out on average 80 SMS (10 x 8) per minute.

The config.xml is as follow








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