Author Archives: Administrator

“OK” Bug in MOBITEK SMS API version 5.3.5 , v. 7 and v.9

Problem: When calling the SMS.ReadSMS(), it returns “False” despite there are incoming SMS in the SIM card.

To replicate condition no. 1: send 1 SMS with “abcOK” only. Modem will received 1 incoming SMS, call SMS.ReadSMS(), it will return “False”.

To replicate condition no. 2: send 2 or more SMS with “OK” only. Modem will received 2 or more incoming SMS, call SMS.ReadSMS(), it will return “False”.

Cause: MOBITEK SMS API captures the response from modem partially, i.e. response that ends with 1st “OK” from modem. It did not capture full response with the last “OK” from modem. API will parse incorrectly and will return “False”.

The “OK” bug exists in these versions:-

  1. MOBITEK SMS API version 5.3.6 and earlier
  2. MOBITEK SMS API version 7.3 and earlier
  3. MOBITEK SMS API version 9.0 and earlier

Solution: bug is fixed in:-

  1. MOBITEK SMS API version 5.3.7 for condition no. 1 only
  2. MOBITEK SMS API version 5.3.8 for condition no. 1 and 2

If you are affected, please contact Customer Support Team.

MOBITEK SMS API version 9 (beta)

New function in Modem class:-

  • Modem.GetMSISDN()

To get the Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number (MSISDN). MSISDN is the telephone number of the SIM card in a mobile/cellular phone. MSISDN is stored in the SIM card. Some SIM card does not store it, and therefore will return empty string.

  •  Modem.GetIMSI()

To get the International Mobile Subscriber Identify. IMSI is stored in the SIM card. IMSI is used for identifying the user of a cellular network and it is a unique number.

New function in USSD class:-

  • USSD.USSDListen()

This function call will listen for USSD prompt from the network operator and capture it. While listening, no other funtions are allowed to be called, it will stop upon time-out (default is 3 seconds). If USSDListen() is not called, any USSD prompt is sent by network operator, then it will not be captured. If USSDListen() is called after USSD prompt is sent by network operator, then it will not be captured.

For more information, please refer to the manual for software developer …

Release History of MOBITEK SMS Gateway Development Kit

Release Number: 29
Release Date: 10-Oct-2013
Description: MOITEK SMS API version 7.3 is finalised. No more new functions will be added.

Release Number: 28
Release Date: 1-Oct-2013
Description: MOITEK SMS API version 9 (beta) is added

Release Number: 27
Release Date: 1-Feb-2013
Description: Sample code in Java for SMS API version 7 is added

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