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Dear Sir, This is to inform you of the arrival of your shipment on the above Airway bill number and in the attached document through our Worldwide Parcel Express Service. THIS SHIPMENT HAS BEEN CONSIDERED DUTIABLE BY THE CUSTOMS SERVICE AND WOULD BE RELEASED SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT OF THE TOTAL DUE ON DUTIES AND TAXES AS ANALYZED IN THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS AND BELOW INVOICE SUMMARY. KINDLY EFFECT PAYMENT OF THE TOTAL DUE BELOW WITHIN 7 WORKING DAYS EFFECTIVE FROM THE DATE THIS LETTER IS RECEIVED AND FORWARD THE PAYMENT DETAILS . This is to avoid shipment incurring demurrage charge and the subsequent transfer to Government warehouse after 28 days as required by regulations. INVOICE SUMMARY ATTACHED: ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Administrative Fees are charged on every clearance as DHL handling charge. This is 4% of Total Duty (ON THE MINIMUM OF $10.00) and Taxes and 5% VAT, which should be paid along with duty into our GTB account provided below. DEMURRAGE CHARGE DEMURRAGE CHARGE SHALL COMMENCE 8 WORKING DAYS FROM THE DATE YOUR SHIPMENT IS SCANNED INTO THE CUSTOMS BOND AND ENDS ON THE DAY DUTY IS PAID. THIS CHARGE SHOULD BE PAID ALONG WITH TOTAL DUTY TO AVOID DELAY IN RELEASE OF YOUR PACKAGE. MINIMUM CHARGE $5.00. PAYMENT DETAILS PAYMENT MODE ACCOUNT NUMBER BRANCH SORTCODE ACCOUNT NAME ACCOUNT TYPE BANK Online Payment 0138852358 0-58152227 DHL International LTD Current stanbic Bank Cash Payment 0011528581 N/A DHL International LTD Current stanbic Bank CASH PAYMENTS SHOULD BE MADE THROUGH STANBIC BANK BRANCHES NATIONWIDE. TO AVOID DELAY IN RELEASE OF YOUR SHIPMENT, ENSURE CORRECT WAYBILL NUMBER (TRACKING NUMBER) IS CLEARLY INDICATED ON THE BANK COPY OR IN THE REMARKS DESCRIPTION FIELD FOR ONLINE PAYMENTS AND FORWARD PAYMENT DETAILS QUERIES /COMPLAINTS ON CUSTOMS CHARGES For queries and Complaints on charges should be directed to our customs Desk through los_duty@dhl.com; losgcsdteam@dhl.com INFORMATION ON TRADE & CUSTOMS DUTY AND TAXES For more information on Trade & Customs Duty and Taxes please visit Customs website www.customs.gov [1] Yours Faithfully, Davids Malachi CUSTOMS CLEARANCE MANAGER Regards, ADEOTI FAMUREWA GATEWAY CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK ADVISOR DHL EXPRESS LOS Gateway International Airport. Nahco Shed, E-MAIL: adeoti.famuewa@dhl.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is from DHL and may contain confidential business information. It is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete this message and any attachment from your system. Unauthorized publication, use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this E-Mail and its attachments is strictly prohibited. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is from DHL and may contain confidential business information. It is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete this message and any attachment from your system. Unauthorized publication, use, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this E-Mail and its attachments is strictly prohibited.