How to Solve USR-TCP Cannot Detect MOBITEK S80 Modem on LAN

  1. Use “Advance IP Scanner”

    to scan for a free IP address on LAN. The free IP address will be assigned to MOBITEK S80 Modem later.
  2. Disconnect MOBITEK S80 Modem from LAN.
  3. Directly connect MOBITEK S80 Modem with laptop/PC through LAN port/cable.
  4. Run “USR-TCP”,

    Assign a new IP address that does not belong to any device in “Advanced IP Scanner” (step 1) to the MOBITEK S80 Modem . As well as configure the “Default Gateway”, “Subnet Mask”, etc.
  5. Disconnect MOBITEK S80 Modem from laptop/PC.
  6. Re-connect MOBITEK S80 Modem to LAN through router/switch.
  7. Run “USR-TCP” to detect MOBITEK S80 Modem.
  8. If  “USR-TCP” still cannot detect MOBITEK S80 Modem  then use web browser, enter the IP address of MOBITEK S80 Modem into the address bar. If a web administration page is displayed then the connection is successfully established.

    Web Administration Page of MOBITEK S80 Modem

  9. Use “USR-VCOM”

    to add a COM port that links the COM port with the IP address of S80.
  10. Use “Hyper Terminal”, connect via COM port, run “hyper terminal test”. If test is passed then S80 is working on the LAN.