Category Archives: MobiGATE


Control Panel for SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 3.3 is Released

List of  Fixes in Version 3.3

  • Replace the “Unhandled exception …” error message with “My SQL Connector … is not installed.” message;
  • Remove imports statement Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient and replace the DIM statements to solve “MSSQL” problem;
  • Separate ”Try…Catch” for MSSQL and MySQL to solve the Problem — MSSQL triggers warning message that MySQL Connector is not installed.



Existing customers of MobiGATE with valid warranty period or with valid annual support programme could download version 3.3 from here …

If you wish to subscribe to annual support programme for your MobiGATE, please contact us.


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MobiGATE SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 8.5 is Released

Version 8.5: has fixed the issue — service takes a very long time, 10 minutes or more, to completely stop when 32 modems are enabled.

Version 8.4: has fixed USSD bug.

Version 8.3: has fixed engine will only process records in “outbox” table having “msg_type = T, U or D”; fixed engine will avoid/prevent sending the same message twice by setting the “sent_status” first then calling API to send out SMS; fixed engine will follow the queue size rule set by user in <QUEUE_SIZE>.

Version 8.2: has fixed bug — Engine will flag the “send_status = I”.

Version 8.0: revised SQL script of MS SQL.

MOBITEK SMS Engine is able to work in Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / 2012 / 2016, 32 bit and 64 bit

MOBITEK® SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition


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Control Panel for SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 3.1 has been Released

List of  Fixes in Version 3.1

  • Fix bug “Conversion from string “” to type ‘Double’ is not valid” when “Start Monitoring” is clicked;
  • Remove any unused subroutines, functions, variables, code comments;
  • Rename “ModemState.vb” to “MonitorModem.vb”;
  • Combine “MonitorModem.CheckModemStatusVersion2_MSSQL()” and “MonitorModem.CheckModemStatusVersion2()” into one subroutine;
  • Rename “RelabelModemStatusVersion2()” to “MonitorModem.UpdateStatus()”;
  • Rename “RestoreBackColorVersion2()” to “MonitorModem.RestoreStatus()”;
  • Disable “Open Configuration File” and “Reset Configuration File” button when engine is running;
  • Condensing “If…Else” with “For…next” inside ModemState.CheckModemStatusForVersion2()” and “ModemState.CheckModemStatusVersion2_MSSQL()” subroutines.



Existing customers of MobiGATE with valid warranty period or with valid annual support programme could download version 3.17 from here …

If you wish to subscribe to annual support programme for your MobiGATE, please contact us.


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Incoming SMS is Not Lost Even When Database Connection or Network Connection is Lost

TEST OBJECTIVE: Is incoming SMS / message lost when MySQL database connection is lost while SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 7.x is running?


  1. Start WAMP, start SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 7.1. Make sure the modem can be initialized to show the connection with database.
  2. Stop all MySQL DB service only. Note the time.
  3. Send 1 SMS from mobile phone to 011-56368598. Note the time.
  4. After 5 minutes (from the time of sending 1 SMS in step 3) start MySQL DB service only.
  5. Verify that the modem is still initialized.
  6. Check in the “inbox” table for the incoming SMS.
  1. Log File: 2021_5_20.log
    Modem 1 initialized at 12:58:59pm
  2. MySQL DB service stopped at 13:14pm
  3. SMS sent to 011-56368598 at 13:19pm
  4. MySQL DB service started at 13:25pm
  5. Control Panel of SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition shows Modem ID 1 is still in “initialized” (green colour) state
  6. SMS inserted into “inbox” table at 13:27:13pm
Incoming SMS is NOT LOST Even though the database connection is lost.
  1. Start WAMP, start SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 7.1. Make sure the modem can be initialized to show the connection with database.
  2. Unplug network cable from Dell-E6410 (laptop).  Note the time.
  3. Send 1 SMS from mobile phone to 011-56368598. Note the time.
  4. After 5 minutes, reconnect network cable. Note the time. Verify that the modem is initialized.
  5. Check in the “inbox” table for the incoming SMS.
  1. Log File: 2021_5_21.log
    Modem 1 initialized at 10:29:48am
  2. Network cable unplugged at 10:33:37am and modem ID 1 failed to connect to GSM network (not initialized)
  3. SMS sent at 10:36am
  4. Network cable reconnect at 10:43:10am and modem ID 1 was initialized
  5. SMS inserted into “inbox” table at 10:43:20am
Incoming SMS is NOT LOST even though network connection is lost.

Does Shutting Down 3G Network Affect the Functionality of MOBITK Q24 and MOBITEK S80 SMS Modem (GSM Modem)

Question: Malaysia TELCO phasing out 3G soon, may we know if MOBITEK S80 (3G) and MOBITEK Q24 (2G) SMS Modem will be affected (not able to send out SMS)?


Answer no. 1: please refer to

“Malaysia is among a limited countries around the world that have decided to shut down its 3G networks while maintaining 2G.

“As a safety net, 2G network will still be maintained to ensure customers are able to make calls and SMS seamlessly, whenever 4G is inaccessible,”


Answer no. 2: please refer to

Digi CTO Kesavan Sivabalan said: “Our priority remains in ensuring high availability and consistency of our 4G network services, and to do so effectively, it is necessary that we retire the 3G network, freeing up crucial spectrum and resources that would now be channelled towards increasing capacity of the 4G network to support higher usage.”  Users with 3G devices can still stay connected to 2G after the 3G shutdown. While 2G is sufficient for basic voice calls and SMS, it is barely usable for internet services in this day and age.

Therefore, as long as 2G network is maintained, MOBITEK S80 (3G) and MOBITEK Q24 (2G) SMS Modem can still send and receive SMS.

How to Solve VCOM Hang or Crash

Applies to:-

  1. MOBITEK MobiGATE SMS Gateway model SG-B series and MOBITEK Q24 STK Modem Hub; and
  2. Windows OS with VMWare installed.


Problem: VCOM crashes when running the “Search” function on Windows 10 Professional x64 with VM previously installed on the same machine.


Solution:  disabling Virtual Network Adapter created by Virtual Machine.

  1. Open Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center, click on “Change adapter settings”.
  2. In “Network Connections”, select the VM Network Adapter, in this case the VM Network Adapter labeled with “VMNet1” and “VMNet8”, then click on “Disable this network device”.
  3. Open the VCOM and try running the “Search” function again.

Control Panel for SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition version 2.7 is Released

List of  Fixes in Version 2.7

  • Added tab no. 3 to support modem no. 17 until 24, total 3 units of MobiGATE can be configured in Control Panel;
  • Added validation procedure for each Modem ID and COM Port number in all 3 modem tabs (1 to 24) is needed so as to prevent user from entering duplicate ID and COM Port number;
  • Added a new feature — automatic populate the values for “Modem ID” and “COM Port” and increase the value by 1; the “automatic and incremental” code will only execute when user enter values for “ID” and Port” for “Modem 1”, the code will not execute if user change / edit modem 2, 3, 4 and the rest;
  • Engine will NOT start when the “config.xml” file is not loaded/read into Control Panel;
  • Revise the error messages and warning messages;
  • All message boxes contain version number, e.g. “Control Panel v. 2.6”.



Existing customers of MobiGATE with valid warranty period or with valid annual support programme could download version 2.7 from here … ( SMS ENGINE — ENTERPRISE EDITION/Setup

If you wish to subscribe to annual support programme for your MobiGATE, please contact us.


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How to Solve “ERROR [HYT00][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired”

PROBLEM: ERROR [HYT00][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Database too large, too many records in tables

SOLUTION: Create an index for “outbox” table:-

  1. Stop the SMS Engine service of MobiGATE
  2. Using SQL Management Studio, go to “indexes” of “dbo.outbox”, right-clickm select “New Index…”
  3. For “index name”, enter “To solve query timeout”
  4. Select “Nonclustered”
  5. Click “Add” to add 2 columns “datetime_queued” and “sent_status” (refer to red boxes below):
  6. Click “OK” button and a new index will be created:
  7. Start the SMS Engine service of MobiGATE
  8. Observe in log if this eror message still appear “ERROR [HYT00][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired
  9. If it appears again, please fill-in the table below:
    QUESTIONS ANSWERS (provide screen shot if available) REMARK
    Date of index created (as shown above)
    Take a screen capture of the SQL Management Studio showing:

    1. the new index
    2. the columns in the new index
    Date of the error message “ERROR [HYT00][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Query timeout expired” first appear
    Total number of records in “outbox” table when the error first appears
    Please send us:

    • the log file of the date when the error appear
    • “config.xml” file

Test Result of MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition with TLS 1.2

Conclusion: MOBITEK SMS Engine — Enterprise Edition starting from version 5.8 until 8.x supports TLS 1.2 .


2020-05-14 8.3 Enabled Disabled by default Windows Server 2012 64 bit MS SQL Server 2017 Express ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 4.7.2 16:50:30 SMS Engine Enterprise Edition service (8.3.0) started
16:50:35 Modem ID 8 : initialized
2020-05-20 7.1 Enabled Disabled by default Windows Server 2012 64 bit MS SQL Server 2017 Express ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 4.7.2 09:47:04 SMS Engine Enterprise Edition service (7.1.0) started
09:47:09 Modem ID 8 : initialized
2020-05-20 8.3 Enabled Disabled by default Windows Server 2012 64 bit MS SQL Server 2017 Express ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 4.7.2 10:29:17 SMS Engine Enterprise Edition service (8.3.0) started
10:29:22 Modem ID 8 : initialized
10:31:39 SMS Engine Enterprise Edition service (8.3.0) stopped
2020-05-21 5.8 Enabled Disabled by adding  DWORD: “Enabled” with value 0
in registry
Windows Server 2012 64 bit MS SQL Server 2017 Express ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server v. 2017.140.1000.169 4.6 16:10:25 SMS Engine Enterprise Edition service (version 5.8.1) started
16:10:29 Modem ID 8 : initialized
16:10:49 SMS Engine Enterprise Edition service (version 5.8.1) stopped