How to Configure 2 Units of MOBITEK S150 to Connect 2 Electrical Equipments on Separate Locations

  1. For S150 unit #1, it will be configured as follows:-
    • the SMS content should be set to 1234CC and 1234DD
    • when S150 unit #1 detects an alarm, it sends out a SMS to S150 unit #2
  2. For S150 unit #2, there is no need to do any configuration in “Alarm Configurator” software
    • the device or equipment must be connect to relay output no. 2 (only this output can accept SMS command to turn on or off) of S150 unit #2 :-
  3. On S150 unit #2, the “Relay” LED will turn on (red colour) when “1234CC” SMS command is received.
  4. The “Relay” LED will turn off when “1234DD” SMS command is received.


Problem with Relay Output of S150

  1. S150 cannot supply power to device or equipment connected to both “Relay Output” no. 1 and no. 2, therefore it cannot power up the other modem.
  2. Only “Relay Output” (digital output) no. 2 can accept SMS command.
  3. S150 acts as a switch (turn on or off).