How to Upgrade Firmware of MOBITEK EC20

  1. Open the browser. Enter the IP address of MOBITEK E20 (default address is ““). Log in as “admin“.
  2. In “4G WIFI ROUTER” page, go to “System Admin” -> “Firmware Upgrade”.
  3. In “Firmware Upgrade”, select “Local Upgrade” tab and click the “Choose File” button.

  4. Locate the saved location of “2021-07-12-miniv2.bin”.
  5. Click “Local Upgrade” button.
  6. Wait until the upgrade completed. Refresh the page from time to time.
  7. If the upgrade has been completed, it will automatically redirected to the login page when the page refreshed. Change the language to “English” before login again.
  8. In the “Home” page, check the firmware date. If the firmware date is “2021-07-12 23:16:24”, then the upgrade is successful.
  9. The upgrade will change the SSID to a new name “IOT_2DOC”.
  10. To change the SSID, go to “Wireless Setting” -> “2.4G Basic Setting”, in the “SSID” section, change it to a new name.