4 Types of List Box or Drop Down Box in PHPRunner

Conclusion: there are 4 types of list box or drop down box in PHPRunner:-

  1. Edit box with AJAX popup — linked with a table and allow user to input own text
  2. Dropdown box linked with a table
  3. List page with search
  4. Dropdown box with list of values (does not link with a table)


TYPES EXAMPLE Setting in PHPRunner
Edit box with AJAX popup

(works like the search suggestion when a value is entered in the text box and can allow free input from user)



  1. Go to “Designer” -> “add” page -> (select any field to edit) -> click “View As/Edit As” button.

  2. Click on “Edit as” tab -> select “Lookup wizard” -> select “Database table” -> (set the table from database to fetch the data from) -> select “Edit box with AJAX popup” radio button, and check “Allow free input” if want the user to input any value that is not in the suggestion list.
Dropdown box

(used when the values fetched from database)



  1. Go to “Designer” -> “add” page -> (select any field to edit) -> click “View As/Edit As” button.

  2. Click on “Edit as” tab -> select “Lookup wizard” -> select “Database table” -> (set the table from database to fetch the data from) -> select “Dropdown box” radio button.
List page with search

(used when the values fetched from database)



  1. Go to “Designer” -> “add” page -> (select any field to edit) -> click “View As/Edit As” button.

  2. Click on “Edit as” tab -> select “Lookup wizard” -> select “Database table” -> (set the table from database to fetch the data from) -> select “List page with search” radio button.
Dropdown box (List of values)

(used when the values are fixed and can be determined. i.e: list of countries, list of states)



  1. Go to “Designer” -> “add” page -> (select any field to edit) -> click “View As/Edit As” button.
  2. Click on “Edit as” tab -> select “Lookup wizard” -> select “List of values” -> click “add” button -> (insert the values to be added to dropdown) -> select “Dropdown box” radio button.