How to Configure MS SQL Server Express to Use Windows Authentication

  1. Create an user account on the computer that act as a server, the username and password must used exactly like the account used in client computer
  2. In SQL Server Management Studio:
    • Expand “Security” -> expand “Logins” -> “New Login
    • Click “General” -> select “Windows authentication” -> click “Search”
    • Type the account name that has been created on server computer, click “Check Names
    • Alternatively you can do this step by clicking “Advanced” button -> “Find Now” -> find the account name in the search results -> click “OK

    • Click “Server Roles” -> check for sysadmin
    • Click “User Mapping” -> choose database -> check for db_datareader and db_datawriter

Note: You do not need to enter the password as SQL Server will ask Windows to validate the user password. (source: