What is a SMS gateway?
SMS gateway is a device or service offering SMS transit, transforming messages to mobile network traffic from other media, or vice versa.
It is also an interface between software application and the SMS Centre of GSM network operator. The software application can be ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, Accouting Software, Network Monitoring, etc.
What is SMS gateway used for?
It can be used for mobile commerce, reload system, bulk SMS or SMS broadcast.
What is MobiGATE?
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Last updated on: 21st of October, 2009
1.Is MobiGATE-SG a GSM Modem? No. It is a SMS Gateway. Nevertheless, inside there are GSM modems.
2.Is MobiGATE-SG a server? No. It is a gateway, a SMS Gateway.
3.How many SIM cards can be inserted? Model SG-4 can fit 4 SIM cards. Model SG-8 can fit 8 SIM cards.
4.If I used 4 SIM cards, can I have 1 number for all 4 SIM cards? Yes, you can use Maxis "Multi-SIM 1 Line" service. Refer to http://www.maxis.com. my/personal/latest/promo/m1lsm_intro.asp
5.Can MobiGATE-SG support masking/hiding/customising of sender ID? No.
6.What is “GSM channel”? It refers to 1 SIM card that is connected to a GSM network/channel/line.
7.Does MobiGATE-SG broadcast in a round-robin method? No. It uses load balancing and concurrent broadcasting via 4 GSM channels.
8.Is MobiGATE-SG a hardware? It has both hardware and software component (not software application).
9.Can MobiGATE-SG connects to a Windows server via all these interfaces – USB, PCI and PCIe? Not all. MobiGATE connects to a Windows server via an adapter:- a) USB (1 USB port to 4 serial ports) b) PCI (1 PCI card to 4 serial ports) c) PCIe (1 PCI Express card to 4 serial ports) Therefore, you can only choose one of the above adapters.
10.If I want MobiGATE-SG to connect to both PCI and PCIe, any suggesion? You can purchase the 2nd adapter from us.
11.What is the difference between PCI and PCIe? Please refer to -- http://www.askageek.com/2007/05/09/pci-vs-pci-express/
12.Are both PCI and PCIe compatible? No. Please check your motherboard's specification in order to choose the correct adapter.
For more information, please contact us.